Cargo agent for major airlines, reliable with high flight frequency, even with the overloading cargo...
We provide comprehensive transportation services for our partners globally and help theme deal with complex logistics challenges.
Transportation service ensures a smooth and on time border crossing of shipments, guaranteeing timely with the competitive rates
Provides high quality, comprehensive transportation services and always understand client's requirements.
Sea freight transportation is offered from home to abroad and vice versa.
Air freight agent for major and reliable airlines with high frequency of flights.
Offer secure, reliable and environmentally friendly rail freight transportation.
We are the high quality and and highly secured road transportation provider.
We have facilities ready to handle your supply chain, at origin or destination.
Our company can guide you through shipment customs clearance process.
We guarantee strict compliance to all procedures in journeys.
During journey, we have to face with logistics logistics, so an emergency response plan is a must
Our process will continue after journey by checking all tasks were completed to find out issues
We are proud to be the Transflash's long-term partner. They help me quickly deliver cargo to our Singapore clients, without penalties and delays
We are proud to be the Transflash's long-term partner. They help me quickly deliver cargo to our Singapore clients, without penalties and delays
We are proud to be the Transflash's long-term partner. They help me quickly deliver cargo to our Singapore clients, without penalties and delays
Meet friendly, experienced and knowledgeable members who make our customers pleased with.
Truck driver
Procurement manager
Marketing manager
Warehouse manager
Our goal is to bring joy and prosperity to the people we serve. We always offer creative solutions to prepare for logistics challenges in the future
Contact us on direct, by phone or fill out the form to receive a free consultation from our enthusiastic staff.
Iako je projekat je prevenstveno bio usmjeren prema učenicima osnovnoškolskog uzrasta općine Banovići kojima bi se omogućilo da kao izvođači ili publika uživaju u ostvarenjima domaće i strane muzike, uz razvijanje vlastitih muzičkih
Predstavu ''Muška posla'', pred banovićlom publikom izvela su tri mlada glumca, koji su diplomirali na Akademiji dramskih umjetnosti u Tuzli. Predstava je rađena po motivima teksta "Ne igraj na Engleze" Vladimira Đorđevića. Na
Projekat je usmjeren prema građanima općine Banovići, u obliku zajedničkog nastupa horova, u okviru jedne od rijetkih manifestacija ovakve vrste. Kroz muziku i umjetnički nastup horova ''Zefir'' i ''Safir'' postigli smo sveukupni cilj
Projekat je usmjeren prema učenicima osnovnoškolskog uzrasta, kojima se omogućilo da kao stvaraoci i izvođači razvijaju vlastite muzičke afinitete i autorski potencijal. Zadovoljavanje potreba djece i mladih, u našoj sredini zadnji niz godina
Organizacija i produkcija svečane akademije u povodu Majskih dana otpora u Sali Radničkog doma (sala iznad Radio Banovića), 19.05.2022. godine Historijski časovi povodom Majskih dana otpora – Pet osnovnih škola sa područja općine